Thursday, February 08, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!

有好幾年的時間沒有以特別的方式過跨年了,記得常常是呆在家裡看著電視倒數,或是早早的就縮到溫暖的被窩裡... 美其名是不想要跟一群陌生人倒數互喊著新年快樂,其實是個性懶惰使然,根本就想讓自己輕鬆...


嗯... 現場看101的煙火還是比電視上看的還好,雖然距離蠻遠的,聽不到那震人的新年快樂呼喊聲,但是當時跟家人、朋友來聲溫馨的彼此祝福新年快樂~ 也是種很幸福的感覺喔~ 祝福大家 新年快樂!

My Favorite Vacation

I'll always remember the vacation I spent in Malaysia and Singapore.

That' was in the spring of 2005. I found that there were cheap airfares from Taipei to Singapore, so I booked 2 tickets for my husband and me immediately. From then on, we tried to find information as much as possible before we got on the plane. We decided to visit Singapore, KL, Malaka, and a golf resort. Singapore was a clean and organized city. People there are friendly and enthusiastic. We stayed there for 2 days and then took bus to KL. KL was a crowded but modern city. Then we spent 3 days in the golf resort-- Walking, swimming and laughing in that relaxed place. After that, we went to Malaka. Malaka was a small town. We liked Malaka because of its leisure atmosphere. We got up early to investigate this town. When we took photographs at the historical spot, we met a Chinese man who told us his story.

On this trip, we met many people to help us, and know more about their culture. That's my favorite vacation.


從來沒在紅土球場上打過網球,不知那是種什麼滋味? 看著法國公開賽的各家好手在球場上奔馳、滑行...加上塵土飛揚的樣子,那真是網球人除了在溫布頓草地球場外的第二個夢寐以求的地方呀~

過去只有到宜蘭羅東運動公園散步的經驗,每次都看到空在旁邊的紅土網球場,常常心中扼腕的想... 怎麼沒把球拍帶來呢? 這次終於為了打球而特地開車去羅東運動公園,好加在當天的天氣很好,除了打球外還可以散步欣賞風景。

這兒的消費比台北便宜,停車四個小時只要40元... 打球半天也只要50元... 真好! 打到下午四點多,漸漸的旁邊的球場開始有許多的球友進駐,打了兩個多小時也該累了,休息打到回府下次再來玩~

Thursday, February 01, 2007

NZ Travel Plan at 2/15/07

Southern New Zealand boasts glorious coastline, and magnificent national parks, where breathtaking alpine scenery rises to icy blue glaciers and ancient fjords.

Trip Itinerary

Day 1: Christchurch to Lake Ohau: Meet your Contiki crew and travel through the MacKenzie country, home to the sheep industry, to Lake Tekapo and Lake Ohau. Lodge (D)
Day 2: Lake Ohau to Milford Sound: Past Lake Pukaki and Clutha River to Arrowtown with time to explore. Then through the dramatic countryside to Milford Sound. Overnight Cruise (B,D)
Day 3: Milford Sound to Queenstown: Past Lake Te Anau to Kawarau Bridge, home of the Bungy, allowing time for the brave, before continuing on to Lake Wakatipu and Queenstown. Lodge (B,D)
Days 4-5: Queenstown: Two full days free to thrive in the 'Adventure-Adrenaline capital of the world' - the list of activities is endless and the nightlife legendary. Lodge (B)(B)
Day 6: Queenstown to Fox Glacier: Past the Southern Lakes via Haast Pass to Fox Glacier with an afternoon free to explore. Hotel (B,D)
Day 7: Fox Glacier to Christchurch: Past Franz Josef and along the rugged west coast to Hokitika, then across the Southern Alps via Arthur's Pass. Say a final farewell to your fellow travellers as your tour ends on arrival in Christchurch. (B)

Data source: Contiki Website

CommunityWalk Map - Travel Plan, NZ